
by 株式会社エウレカ


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Weipai, an innovator in mobile internet industry, focuses on building a mobile video-sharing and social networking platform, and aims at reforming traditional video-sharing way and helping users keep personalized record of life. We provide online mobile short-video sharing service that enables users to take videos using optional distinctive digital filters and share with fans. Weipai is a fun and fantastic way to show you with friends through a short video. Our enthusiasm for encouraging the sharing and making stars is woven through everything we are doing.来微拍,看养眼妹子!微拍是中国最火爆的手机视频分享社区,支持用户上传五分钟短视频,与朋友共享生活中的快乐瞬间,上传的视频可以一键分享到微博、微信、QQ,让互动更加有趣!微拍集聚了国内最火的美女红人和帅哥用户,在这儿你可以看到女神们上传的视频,与她们面对面交流,看到她们的真情吐露、才艺展示,发现她们不一样的一面!